
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

His birthday,Zaer's birthday and sadly 'arwah's pak uda too'

We've been in silent cold war since 3 days back and today i decided to surprise him.Mr buga merajuk selepas kena tegur.hahahaha Aku mmg da lama beli kad for him.Hadiah je tak cari.I think for this year mmg tak dpt nk cari.Duit da ke lain yg more important! Ptg tu he's working and finish at 10pm. Today he's going to meet the house agent.After the meeting, i called him to get an update.Turned out he's sleeping and cranky!!! marah ni tp macam grrrrrrr SABAR!Ptg when i was at makdik's house.He called me and still sounded cranky! But bila think abt it.Ehhhh bagus juga sbb aku bole suprised and confirm dia terkejut beruk plus senyum sipu2! hahaha
That night,masa nk gi suprised him.I was late and the time was not at my side.Confirm smp lepas kul 10.So dgn selamba called his housemate and asked him to do me a favor.Yeayyyyyyyyyyyy! i made it !!!!! dgn hanya menggunakan muffin and lilin yg di beli di 7E (lilin tu slalu org guna utk blackout ok) hahaha
I wiped all my traces.Bila smp dia hanya nampak lilin with muffin hehehehe.I can laugh out loud now because he's smiling...

Oh yes! i already found a place to live after marriage! He'll be moving in this coming August.wink**

p.s: happy birthday zaer!
al fatihah to arwah :(