
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

I'm elated with ecstacy! wuhuuu

.:17th Dec 2008:.
I received my love note (at 26 years old! haha
very bliss!) plus an origami pink butterfly.

.:18th Dec 2008:.
My parents arrived from Mekah.Finally, there are now Haji Amin and Hajjah Noridah.We were really delighted.All of us waited patiently at home to welcome them.

.:20th Dec 2008:.
Me and mardiana attended a garden wedding
at Taman Botani,putrajaya.(well,hate to say this
but the wed is totally improper management)
The photo of us waiting in the car for like 1 hours
and a half! look how happy we are! ahahah

.:24th Dec 2008:.
Attended dayah's engagement at Mantin,Seremban with MMU mlk friends.there were my besties.she looks so girlish that night.Congrats babe!

.:25th Dec 2008:.
I've collected my new specky! fly away~ (it cost me quite a lot but it satisfied me).


My parent and the whole family (excepts for my daddy's side) are aware of what is happening to my relationship.I'm bliss with them since there are honour of my decision.hope after this everything runs, i might be meeting de'owe.quite sometimes we don't hang out together since he is emotionally eruption by me! hahaha.lastly,miss my fido dido charming buga.