Today is the last day for me to submit all orders.
Tak penah terasa nk beli pn kasut bergetah ni and now im selling it to all my closest friends.
Crocs as in crocodile. Takut gak la nk jual kasut underground ni but i need to trust Aidid.
Lets pray for the outcome should meet the expectations of everyone.
Byk gak org nk order aku amik untung pada org opis je.Kalo quality cun bole la buat bisnes lg.
Bestnye duduk kt umah tanpa perlu memandu ke mana mana.Tp japgi nk g umah gemuk.hehe spend time dgn en abu.Aku harap tak kena buli la kan.PENATTT la.Rasa cam nk duduk tgk tv jee.
Enjoy your weekend folks!
I'm selling a shoe!
Posted by
on Saturday, March 21, 2009
Mental Damage
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Dont know where to start uuuuuu~
Last weekend sgt bz.Ulang alik kl - sa - kl.Waktu tidur aku terganggu.Ingat bole balas dendam ganti yg tak cukup on weekdays. Harapanku punah.Now im back to work.Luckily,its school holiday.The road is not so pack.My dad alhamdulillah safe at home just that he cant go for bowling this whole week.Maknanye dia kena terperap dlm rumah.So mama takle la kuar cam biasa hehe.On Sunday, went to gombak its dini's wedding.Suprised suprised! i felt so welcome dont know why.Even my sister felt the same.hahaha kesian kami selama ni rasa tak welcome br now nk rasa.Maybe because they felt sorry for me kut.Nvm janji mendapat pujian berat badan da naik. At lastttt! Punya susah nk dpt selera mkn skang keje makan makan makan.Perut pn udah boroi~ hahahahaha tp tetap ada org yg ................... fill in the blanks.LOL.Later in the evening i managed to go to PWTC Matta Fair. Oh cuaca sungguh panas that day.Kepala sgt pening lepas tu pegi tmpt yg ramai org but i can still smiling.Pk nk kena gak kuat utk cari package yg menarik dan percutian yg takkan dilupakan for this year.Cari punya cari dpt package free & easy to Perhentian kecik,Shari La resort.Planning to go on Aug but i hope we can go on july.Supposed may nk g pulau dgn abg mon & friends.Duit tidak mengizinkan terpaksa postpone.
Gemuk waited for us kt luar sbb dia pening kepala.Buga told him we finally bought a package.I make a fool of myself by not understands his term.heh!!!! marah ni!!! here goes the conversation
To mardiana sulaiman : i hope u can join us but at night i need to put a sign "Do not disturb" ahhahahaahahhahahaha
Gemuk waited for us kt luar sbb dia pening kepala.Buga told him we finally bought a package.I make a fool of myself by not understands his term.heh!!!! marah ni!!! here goes the conversation
Gemuk : Sagattt?????Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhh tensen2! kenapa asik nk kena up dgn 2 ekor ni jer. tgu lah masa akan tiba jua nanti.hari pembalasan.I love mushroom gravy rather than having black pepper taste on my tongue.Okla the last meal you cooked last night was a great combination.Habis licin kami kerjakan.Buat la lg so that i can goyang kaki sambil tgu the meal served by man. la la la la~
Buga : Yeahhh
Suga : tukang gelak konon2 paham (hahahahahaa blur)
5 minutes after that....
Suga : B sagat tu apa?
Buga : (Bantai gelak gile gile kemudian menjawap) Sagat pn u tatau ke? Sagat credit card laa
Suga : Oh ye ke (gosh lmbt pick up)
Sambil berpegangan tgn buga tak sesabo mengejar kawannye di dpn kerana tak sabar nk memberitahu mengenai soalan yg baru di tanye oleh suga sigh*
To mardiana sulaiman : i hope u can join us but at night i need to put a sign "Do not disturb" ahhahahaahahhahahaha
I have loads of stories!
Spending times with him 4 days at his friend's house.His friend is actually a friend of my cousins too.baguskan.Well,spending time at a guy's place always ended up you've been bullying to do this and that.I need to cook for them,sapu sampah,do laundries,ironing,do tea and etc.Luckily, his friend can cook too but one thing i know in every meal he wants to cook black pepper is a must.Im warning him do not put any of those or else i cant even swallow your meal at all.hahah Better be honest than suffer.Actually i enjoyed cooking sometimes and it took me a while to finish a meal since i am very particular with food.hahah Now that i can eat a lot,i gained 6kgs and it goes to my belly!! oh i hate sit ups. HELP ME !!
On Saturday,went to my best friend's engagement NANA at seremban.she looks beautiful with the purple dress fits in nicely to her body.I arrived late and the ceremony was finished.They thought i were lost but im not and hell no.I was confused with the tents.The road was badly jammed and the weather was not that good.Raining all the way..Better late then never right! oh lupa lak nk mentioned mar called me.She met an accident while i was on the way to seremban that day.haiyaa bad luck laa! Luckily you and kak az were not injured. Thats all i cared that time.
On Sunday,that was last day i spend my time with my love.keje dia tido tido tido I was awake at noon.I kept thinking whether wanted to cook nasi goreng or not while all the guys were sleeping.What the heck because i couldnt go back to sleep so i cooked! I brought the meal into the bedroom and woke him up.hahahhahaha bole tak dia nampak pastu senyum kambing amik selimut selubungkan diri.hahahhahahahhahaha At night,i sent him to the office and straight away went back home.
On Monday, got to meet him and went to Times.We watched movie and bought my sandals.I love that movie "Marley & Me" nearly cried but manage to handle it.I can smell someone tears besides me.After i sent him home.My mind were floating thinking about a lot of things.I went to 7E thought of buying something for my breakfast next morning.I was a bit rushed and i parked my car nearby this longkang.Then suddenly i heard something fell off from my hand,it was dark and i found out it was my HANDPHONE !! OMG !! So this kind hearted girl checked on me and she's the one whom helping me out to get back my hp. Im so lucky to have her.Because of her my hp is still alive even its been drowning for nearly 10 minutes.huhu its a miracle because my hp still have the courage to be with me hahahahahah I bought for her brownies as for appreciation.Hope she likes it.
Skang da nk pukul 5.My dad is going to be admitted tomorrow at IJN to do small operation.I hope he'll be ok and i'll be staying at home alone tomorrow.Im getting sick of my current job but have no heart to find different job at the moment.sigh* cepat la pukul 5 nak balikkk.
*I have new tumbler now.Thanks to buga he needs to sell his bloods in order to get me a new tumbler. (really appreciates it but its still leaking la uhuk never mind.i can still survive)
On Saturday,went to my best friend's engagement NANA at seremban.she looks beautiful with the purple dress fits in nicely to her body.I arrived late and the ceremony was finished.They thought i were lost but im not and hell no.I was confused with the tents.The road was badly jammed and the weather was not that good.Raining all the way..Better late then never right! oh lupa lak nk mentioned mar called me.She met an accident while i was on the way to seremban that day.haiyaa bad luck laa! Luckily you and kak az were not injured. Thats all i cared that time.
On Sunday,that was last day i spend my time with my love.keje dia tido tido tido I was awake at noon.I kept thinking whether wanted to cook nasi goreng or not while all the guys were sleeping.What the heck because i couldnt go back to sleep so i cooked! I brought the meal into the bedroom and woke him up.hahahhahaha bole tak dia nampak pastu senyum kambing amik selimut selubungkan diri.hahahhahahahhahaha At night,i sent him to the office and straight away went back home.
On Monday, got to meet him and went to Times.We watched movie and bought my sandals.I love that movie "Marley & Me" nearly cried but manage to handle it.I can smell someone tears besides me.After i sent him home.My mind were floating thinking about a lot of things.I went to 7E thought of buying something for my breakfast next morning.I was a bit rushed and i parked my car nearby this longkang.Then suddenly i heard something fell off from my hand,it was dark and i found out it was my HANDPHONE !! OMG !! So this kind hearted girl checked on me and she's the one whom helping me out to get back my hp. Im so lucky to have her.Because of her my hp is still alive even its been drowning for nearly 10 minutes.huhu its a miracle because my hp still have the courage to be with me hahahahahah I bought for her brownies as for appreciation.Hope she likes it.
Skang da nk pukul 5.My dad is going to be admitted tomorrow at IJN to do small operation.I hope he'll be ok and i'll be staying at home alone tomorrow.Im getting sick of my current job but have no heart to find different job at the moment.sigh* cepat la pukul 5 nak balikkk.
*I have new tumbler now.Thanks to buga he needs to sell his bloods in order to get me a new tumbler. (really appreciates it but its still leaking la uhuk never mind.i can still survive)
hmm life is bored.working also bored.there's nuthing interesting for me to update.
Seven pounds : i always love MR Smith but in this movie a bit expecting more on this film.(ada 2 eko couple duduk sebelah aku ni siap bole layan nangis lak.aku ada rasa la tp tak samapai!! pastu bila nk tgk kena tendang la kena siku kena tarik la!! hahahahahahahahah)
Burn after reading : wei this movie sucks a lot!!! PLS DONT is really ridiculous and a piece of junk movie.why did george clooney and brad pitt willingly took places in this movie. heh. wasted.
nana is getting engaged this saturday.
hope to be there early~
i'm wearing baju kurung today.haha itu pn aku nk update gak ke?haha
Well,at least i could track back when is the last time i wear baju kurung !!
Seven pounds : i always love MR Smith but in this movie a bit expecting more on this film.(ada 2 eko couple duduk sebelah aku ni siap bole layan nangis lak.aku ada rasa la tp tak samapai!! pastu bila nk tgk kena tendang la kena siku kena tarik la!! hahahahahahahahah)
Burn after reading : wei this movie sucks a lot!!! PLS DONT is really ridiculous and a piece of junk movie.why did george clooney and brad pitt willingly took places in this movie. heh. wasted.
nana is getting engaged this saturday.
hope to be there early~
i'm wearing baju kurung today.haha itu pn aku nk update gak ke?haha
Well,at least i could track back when is the last time i wear baju kurung !!