
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

I'm selling a shoe!

Today is the last day for me to submit all orders.
Tak penah terasa nk beli pn kasut bergetah ni and now im selling it to all my closest friends.
Crocs as in crocodile. Takut gak la nk jual kasut underground ni but i need to trust Aidid.
Lets pray for the outcome should meet the expectations of everyone.
Byk gak org nk order aku amik untung pada org opis je.Kalo quality cun bole la buat bisnes lg.
Bestnye duduk kt umah tanpa perlu memandu ke mana mana.Tp japgi nk g umah gemuk.hehe spend time dgn en abu.Aku harap tak kena buli la kan.PENATTT la.Rasa cam nk duduk tgk tv jee.

Enjoy your weekend folks!