We were celebrating dayah's hens night on friday night 22nd May 2009 at her house. Yg lain i cannot disclose it here hehe.Its very bitchy and so kinky hahaha since im still behave thats why my pose was like aaaa duhhh!
Hens night!
We were celebrating dayah's hens night on friday night 22nd May 2009 at her house. Yg lain i cannot disclose it here hehe.Its very bitchy and so kinky hahaha since im still behave thats why my pose was like aaaa duhhh!
Cant wait for my Honeymoon Getaway!
Ive done some research for my upcoming trip! Ive found some interesting info about Shari-La Island Resort. I will post it here as for my reference in future. Air Asia's flight ticket from KUL to KBR will cost you a lot.Return ticket will be in total of RM85.50 and you need to find a cab in order for you to reach the Kuala Besut Jeti. I prefer to take a bus from Bus Station at Seksyen 17 which is near to my house huhu
Check out all this links!
Review from Backpacker's Blog
Photo Gallery of Shari-La Island Resort
Traveler Review
I will definitely enjoy my sunset high tea at the resort! Oh cant wait!!
Check out all this links!
Review from Backpacker's Blog
Photo Gallery of Shari-La Island Resort
Traveler Review
I will definitely enjoy my sunset high tea at the resort! Oh cant wait!!
Dinner at Tanjung Muara
Good Day!
おは - ohayougozaimasu - Japan
guten Morgen - Germany
早上好 [zao3 shang5 hao3] - Chinese
buon giorno - Italian
kutabare! he he he
** Coming friday bachelorette party. Lets get wild!
This saturday i have an invitation my ex schoolmate Zarina is getting married.
(why laa everyone getting married this year??)
End of the month Dayah and Chatz also getting married plus my 1st ever anniversary.
Early June 6 my cousin getting married.
July oh cant wait is my getaway month!!! and someone's special birthday (eeeeeee cpt lah!)
August my buga's is getting engaged agagagaga need to be there for 3 days! yikes!
Also preparation is fasting month!!! oh shopping shopping!
My brother's birthday.
September Aidilfitri month!
October what to do eh? oh my sis's birthday.
November my favorite month! hahaha
December hmmm mmmm hope another getaway! i hope that piggy flu is gone by this time.
REMINDER kpd yg nk saving rajin rajinkan la mengganti PUASA. Sekian terima kasih.
guten Morgen - Germany
早上好 [zao3 shang5 hao3] - Chinese
buon giorno - Italian
kutabare! he he he
** Coming friday bachelorette party. Lets get wild!
This saturday i have an invitation my ex schoolmate Zarina is getting married.
(why laa everyone getting married this year??)
End of the month Dayah and Chatz also getting married plus my 1st ever anniversary.
Early June 6 my cousin getting married.
July oh cant wait is my getaway month!!! and someone's special birthday (eeeeeee cpt lah!)
August my buga's is getting engaged agagagaga need to be there for 3 days! yikes!
Also preparation is fasting month!!! oh shopping shopping!
My brother's birthday.
September Aidilfitri month!
October what to do eh? oh my sis's birthday.
November my favorite month! hahaha
December hmmm mmmm hope another getaway! i hope that piggy flu is gone by this time.
REMINDER kpd yg nk saving rajin rajinkan la mengganti PUASA. Sekian terima kasih.
How I really HATES being ALONE!
Im so pissed off
Im so annoying
Im so mad
Im so sad
Im so sleepy
Im so sensitive
I hate all this mixture feeling
Im so annoying
Im so mad
Im so sad
Im so sleepy
Im so sensitive
I hate all this mixture feeling
Posted by
on Sunday, May 17, 2009
Mental Damage
Comments: (0)
Aku ke yg lost skang ni?
Kenapa tibe tibe aku jadi camni?
Do I need HELP?
**mental damaged
Kenapa tibe tibe aku jadi camni?
Do I need HELP?
**mental damaged
Dont Speak
Posted by
on Saturday, May 16, 2009
Mental Damage
Comments: (0)
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts
It's all ending
I gotta stop pretending who we are...
Aaaaaaaaaa.. Yesterday was really a disaster because i was really really down. I've managed to stand up today without tears on my eyes. Yes truly madly i am happy with my new life no regrets on it. Just that seeing him like that makes me really blue. On 14th May 2009 is all ending. I should have feel it before but i dont know why. I felt missing really missing. It was a heartbroken on whats happen in my life since i cherish the love and never planning thats all of this will be true. I've called everyone just to make me awake that life must goes on. Previously, i am mad at him and hates him a lot.All that had dissapeared instead i felt his grief. I know he is lost in his own world regretting to everything. I'm sorry dear it is just too late for us. I have move forward and you should move too. I will never ever forget our memories and we both need to learn from our own mistakes. We have cleared everything and i will always pray for your goodness. May you find the right girl and appreciate her with your own hands. Only Allah knows how i feel now.........
*Just help me to get through all this pains inside me.
Happy Mother's Day!
Bosan tul kena keje. Bila la bole goyang kaki tp bole shopping and travel? Bahagia idup. Gamba berlambak tak update lg. Da ada gamba br bole citer. huhu.. Last tuesday if im not mistaken, my EX called me using different telephone number. So nk tanak kena la angkatkan.. Disebabkan byk sgt citer poyo our coversation agak lama. Dia siap msg mak aku and tahu mak aku kt vietnam.Bila aku bgtau kt mak aku that jerk called me.Mak aku reply balik "Aah sian plak tgk dia" EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Aku plg menyampah bila dpt tahu after we broke up dia nk msg2 mak aku.Perlu ke?? Ada tak aku kacau mak korang?? Yes i know my mother is the best mother in the world but i dont want to share with jerks! Bila aku suruh baik dgn mak aku macam2 la alasan yg diberi. Mak aku ni sporting, lembut hati even he have treaten me badly she can still be friends with jerks like you! Da la mak aku siap nk bg brg lg kt jerk seko ni.So guys out there, bila gf da suh baik dgn mak dia tayah la buat macam2 alasan.In the end, bila gf da tanak dkt ko lepas tu ko nk terkedek kedek buat baik dgn mak dia. hmmm TOOOO LATEEEE! Nuthing would change anything just TOO LATE.
Dgn kesempatan ini I just want to wish all the mother out there...
Dgn kesempatan ini I just want to wish all the mother out there...