Yesterday received a miss called from a number 016**93017.So i did returned the call but the phone is off.I sent him a msg.Today I received a notification ; delivered. Here goes :-
Mr Freak : tak kenal ke
me : tak kenal
Mr Freak : saya kwn lama awak
me : kalo kwn lama bgtau le nama
Mr Freak : awk cepat terlupa contoh kita kena cuba setia pada pasangan masing masing pada saya,seharusnya kita berfikiran matang dlm isu berkaitan percintaan.biar berkawan ramai tetapi kekasih hanya seorang
me : how can i remember all of my friend's number? if you think your name is be it.i dont have time to play riddles now.
Mr Freak : tak kenal lagi
me : Thanks for letting me know you are my old friend.selamat berpuasa.salam.
Mr Freak : puasa jangan tinggal tau. awak nampak comel (aku rasa macam kenal ayat hujung ni)
saiko kan? wth i dont give a damn.lecturing me in the morning talking about loyalty? ha ha very funny but somehow someway i think i can predict he is my case of the ex* lol
just stop bugging me because i already have a beautiful life ahead.. :D
Sembilan September 2009
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Arini bgn pg terus pegi kt post box.Tgk2 TAK ADA!! Aku da start nk marah sbb da pesan byk kali and dia da janji byk kali.How can I still believe him?? adoi kalo da budak subang buat keje mmg cam gini la gayanye. Aku buat rilek je lepas tu.Konon nk tuka rantai so buka la rantai yg mmg aku jarang buka ni.Tgh2 godek pehhhh putus la plak! Da la syg kt rantai tu. uhuk uhuk
Is today a bad day?
Marahnye rasa.
Kereta da siap dibaiki.How was the condition? eheh ada soalan menarik yg diberi kepada pomen tersebut. buga bertanye"Cat ni mmg meleleh ke bang?" dgn muka yg sgt ingin tahu."Oh yg itu mmg macam tu" pomen itu menjawap.Im like WHAT? did I hear u're saying mmg macam tu.Baru je nk tlg melayu tapi kalo da melayu tak reti nk buat keje dgn bersungguh sungguh.You tell me how? Jem otak aku.
2 hari turut2 pegi shopping di Pyramid and Curve.2 hari jugak la ranap poket aku.hahaha
Can't resisted the beautiful things.BUT I'm regretting one thing.I think I bought a wrong pair of shoes!!!! aaaaaaa Jiwa Kacau. I need to sell the shoes and I need to buy a new pair of shoes.
This coming sunday going to meet the parents.weeeheee Still thinking on what to wear *wink.So now get back to work. Adios!
**p/s: Nothing extraordinary with the date 9.9.09, just an ordinary day.. daily day.. ordinary day.
Is today a bad day?
Marahnye rasa.
Kereta da siap dibaiki.How was the condition? eheh ada soalan menarik yg diberi kepada pomen tersebut. buga bertanye"Cat ni mmg meleleh ke bang?" dgn muka yg sgt ingin tahu."Oh yg itu mmg macam tu" pomen itu menjawap.Im like WHAT? did I hear u're saying mmg macam tu.Baru je nk tlg melayu tapi kalo da melayu tak reti nk buat keje dgn bersungguh sungguh.You tell me how? Jem otak aku.
2 hari turut2 pegi shopping di Pyramid and Curve.2 hari jugak la ranap poket aku.hahaha
Can't resisted the beautiful things.BUT I'm regretting one thing.I think I bought a wrong pair of shoes!!!! aaaaaaa Jiwa Kacau. I need to sell the shoes and I need to buy a new pair of shoes.
This coming sunday going to meet the parents.weeeheee Still thinking on what to wear *wink.So now get back to work. Adios!
**p/s: Nothing extraordinary with the date 9.9.09, just an ordinary day.. daily day.. ordinary day.
Shit happens
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on Friday, September 4, 2009
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keretaku dilanggar oleh pakcik tua tp aku tak panggil dia pakcik.ergh panas je hati di bulan puasa.nasib baik tak puasa.malas betul nk handle kes accident.itu la ini la.ptg ni nk jmp org bengkel.kan best kalo masuk bengkel terus dpt keter baru muahahahaha fine.lawak bodo jerk.
sakit mata nk tgk monitor tp jam baru pukul 2.42!!
sakit mata nk tgk monitor tp jam baru pukul 2.42!!