
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saiko Freak!

Yesterday received a miss called from a number 016**93017.So i did returned the call but the phone is off.I sent him a msg.Today I received a notification ; delivered. Here goes :-

Mr Freak : tak kenal ke
me : tak kenal
Mr Freak : saya kwn lama awak
me : kalo kwn lama bgtau le nama
Mr Freak : awk cepat terlupa contoh kita kena cuba setia pada pasangan masing masing pada saya,seharusnya kita berfikiran matang dlm isu berkaitan percintaan.biar berkawan ramai tetapi kekasih hanya seorang
me : how can i remember all of my friend's number? if you think your name is be it.i dont have time to play riddles now.
Mr Freak : tak kenal lagi
me : Thanks for letting me know you are my old friend.selamat berpuasa.salam.
Mr Freak : puasa jangan tinggal tau. awak nampak comel (aku rasa macam kenal ayat hujung ni)

saiko kan? wth i dont give a damn.lecturing me in the morning talking about loyalty? ha ha very funny but somehow someway i think i can predict he is my case of the ex* lol
just stop bugging me because i already have a beautiful life ahead.. :D