
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Hari yg tidak produktif

Dari pagi smp skang aku da layan 3 movie. hahaha lemau!
Mlm ni ada org ajak gi hilton ada farewell party. Should i should i not?
Esok keje. Mlm ni brazil vs portugal. I sokong portugal pls. Kalo aku tgk game mlm ni.
It would be the 1st world cup match ive watched. huhu
Well kwn aku ckp MICC (Mines International Convention Center) would like to hire staff..
He recommended me to his client.She would call me sometime around August. It would be on ramadhan eve. Post ni utk handle all the events which will held in the MICC.
I need a new job and the most important thing is my off day should be on only weekends and working hours! Gaji mesti lebih. Hmmm

Oklah sambung tgk movie blk.Bye!