weehuuu arini kene keje.heh sangap.bila tgk gamba di atas.the excitement is still there.da lama tak beramah mesra bsama cousins!chef bob aka syihan,berjaya buat org jilat jari.huhu.unfortunately,gamba terlalu sikit sbb camera bat kong!so ini je la yg ada for kenangan.it is a wonderful nite indeed.
a night b4 raya haj,went out for a drink with my ofismate 'hairy'.he already engaged with a woman he loved after 5 years together.congrats dude!he will eventually tie knot on labour day next year.we talked,laughing and gossiping with shisha 'two apple' flavour (tak bape nk sedap) x ku sangka org lain kawin dulu.huhu.
i also met another bestfren of mine 'nana'.lama tul tak catch up.here i wish u all the best dear for ur big day next year.will always be there when u need me.tak saba nk conteng conteng muka hang masa engagement day!hahahaha (ohh nanaa y didnt we take photo together?? sigh*) on the other hand,im planning sumthing for u babe!tungguuuuuuu...
nk conteng muke aku erk???
ahahahha LOL conteng itu adalah salah satu seni dan seni itu sgt subjektif.
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