
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Its wednesday!

For this month my work shift will be starting at 5am to 2pm.Ngantuknye arini.KL banjir everywhere.Bagus gak tu.Bulan puasa tak lama lg.Sejuk sket time puasa nanti.Ada benda nk tulis tetapi di sebabkan pompan sebelah aku ni membebel cam keretapi.Hilang sume benda dah.

Yeay! Ptg ni nk tgk wayang.Most probably 'The Proposal' or 'G.I Joe' .

My online blog is 70% up.Hopefully by next week i'll finish everything and start to collect money!

Cant wait to see the fashion show on saturday.Alif will be the photographer and i will be the 'mandor' hahaha yeeehaaaaaaaaaa!