Well today is Hari Syak which mean nobody can perform fasting because tomorrow all muslim will start to fast.. huhu So to begin my story,it started from 4.15am.Saya bgn lmbt!! Set alarm pukul 4pg sedarnye pukul 4.15pg.Nak masuk keje pukul 5pg ohhh.. Kelam kelibut mcm charlie chaplin but managed to arrive on time. Tibe tibe dpt phone call.Mula rasa cam nk marah sbb dlm hati berkata "aik tak tido lg ke dia ni?" Rupa rupanya dia nk tanye soalan berbunyi "eh u arini kita start puasa ke?" I'm like what? Bkn ke smlm org tu confident ckp kalo dah 1 ramadhan tu jatuh pada hari 22hb ogos maknanya kita mmg akan puasa on that day.eheh Disuruhnya search dgn keadaan aku yg masih lg terkebil kebil tgk monitor. Sahhhh!! Umat Islam akan menyambut bulan puasa pada 22hb Ogos 2009 bersamaan 1 Ramadhan 1430 H.Tak caya gak?? nah artikel. Kepada muslimin dan muslimat selamat melakukan amal ibadah pada bulan puasa.
My on9 shop Five Petals Shop has finally fully upload with my products! The good news is,the product have been sold for the total RM750! hehehe Alhamdulillah.. Go and check it out while the stock last! wewiittt~
Am i going to Bandung next Feb?? heeee :D Tiket di belanja oleh my future mother in law! Trimas mama.. (ecehwah!) The trip would be awesome as i heard 25 people will be going to the same trip! I cant wait, I cant wait!!
Yesterday, my TL have been terminated.My oh my~ Need to take care my ass now or should i just search another job?? One of my colleague from MOE is going to move for another job.uhuk uhuk Im nearly 2 years now.Wow! Its so not me but hey its me.Staying and focusing to only the job im hired to do and be loyal.Really? Did i just say that?
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