Al maklum sume tau plate WTF laku macam goreng pisang panas. Sume org booking awal2 semata nk dptkan plate WTF yg hmm apa eh maksud dia?? haha Lagi sehari kita da nk masuk tahun baru (ikut calender kapir) tp ikut calender Islam kita sebenarnya sudah pn memasuki tahun yg baru. Da ada yg ajak join bbq tp aku siap2 bg alasan blk kg (bohong sunat tu namannye) Malas nk bersosial.
Semlm at last jumpa juga aku dgn k ziqah and her cute baby ariq. Hubby dia pn ada sekali. Dtg jmp aku nk bg diary. OMG she's preggy for 3 months now. Itu yg akan berlaku kalo tiada precaution. hehe Anyways, maybe mmg rezeki dia kan. Geram betul dgn ariq. Em muka mmg sgt ada iras adik k ziqah (i know who) Abaikan. Ble lepas ni buat muka tak malu pegi umah dia lepak n main main dgn ariq.
After that went to KL.Gado.Blk umah. haha
Alif asked me to join him to watch theater on the 8th.Ika (his friend) is one of the main cast.Lama dah tak tgk theater.Pegi tanak pegi? hmmm on 10th Jan abg mar kawin. Wajib pegi BP.Aiyoo Harap jadual tidak menzalimiku.
On YM i chat dgn my mmu friend.Dia cite pasal junior aku and guess what dia penah keje setempat dgn aku.Sgt tak sangka dia itu ada seorang saiko.Previously, dia penah buat hal in my company.Now,she's doing it again in Cyberjaya but from what i heard from my friend (the victim) this far more worst.haiyoo hope that he can get rid of her and may the justice be the solution.
3D2N @ Ipoh
Ari khamis mlm aritu gerak gi ipoh.The next day terus gi nikah abg chik.Lepas sembahyang jumaat patutnye majlis jalan tp byk misunderstanding.Kitaorg smp kt surau,bersapau agak lama di situ.Rupanye ada lg satu pasangan pn akan dinikahkan pada waktu yg sama.Tok kadi yg agak lalok dan nyaris nyaris salah nikah. hahaha tak pasal tuka pasangan plak masa nikah.Yg lagi kelaka,pasangan lagi satu pengantin pompan.Baju dia sgt takle bla. Fine la baju ko tak sempat gi fitting tp tak perlu la nk tunjuk kat sume org yg baju tu besar dan pin plak kt luar. Adoiiii jd buah mulut org je kt dlm surau. (tak pasal buat dosa hahaha) On saturday plak again aku dijadikan pengapit. muka aku ni mmg muka pengapit kut. haha dari kecik smp la da beso panjang ni. Aku pasti terpilih utk menjadi pengapit. hahha. Sori to say makanan yg disediakan on the reception tidak sedap. Aku memula makan semangat sbb lapo sgt. Bila da suap makin lama makin slow suapan aku.Tanak rude tader la aku komen apa apa.Rupa rupanya, belah malam sume org sakit perut cirit birit kecuali aku. ahahahahahhahahaha Nasib baik la aku terkecuali. Laki aku paling kesian sebabnya sehingga smlm perut dia masih sakit. Ikan yg dihidang awal awal mmg da basi.Cemana la org berniaga makanan macam ni. Nak bayaran tp makanan tak fresh. Harap my wedding will go smoothly.Mak dia plak da bgtau kt aku awal awal.There will be 2 receptions,one will be at hotel and another one will be at his hometown.hmm exhausted la jawabnye..
Officially he is your new cousin! (faint)

Auw attended dalila's wedding.huhu its a wow! for us and in fact to everyone.I got some photos here to upload.A lot are missing in the photos.Hoping there are more showing up when my times come.At night i tried to gado with him tp as usual dia tak layan. heh! to satisfied myself, bla bla bla bebel hahahaha Lepas dia masuk keje.I called up my besties, bla bla bla on the phone for 1 hour! Baru bole tido dgn peace.
p/s: congrats to ain (ex vads) & azrin! congrats to k az & danny (mar's brother)
oh did i mention? everyone liking my baju!! thanks adik teehehee
I'm back!!
Wuhuuu im engaged to the right man.. I have the date and now planning it bits by bits.
Theme color already chosen.Hall booked.The rest of the list will need to do more research on it.Money money if i have lotsa money it wont be such a headache ya..
Next week,my cousin in Segambut will going to get married.She's younger than us and im not looking forward to check out her soon going to be wed.Im sure it will be just not my taste.Next coming wedding will be on May 2010.Now thats what im waiting! haha jahatnye aku pilih kasih plak.Im going to make a new blackie dress just to attend her wedding.
p/s: Mr Fiance is working so hard now.Pity pity him.Am so cant wait to be his MRS.
Theme color already chosen.Hall booked.The rest of the list will need to do more research on it.Money money if i have lotsa money it wont be such a headache ya..
Next week,my cousin in Segambut will going to get married.She's younger than us and im not looking forward to check out her soon going to be wed.Im sure it will be just not my taste.Next coming wedding will be on May 2010.Now thats what im waiting! haha jahatnye aku pilih kasih plak.Im going to make a new blackie dress just to attend her wedding.
p/s: Mr Fiance is working so hard now.Pity pity him.Am so cant wait to be his MRS.