
Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Al maklum sume tau plate WTF laku macam goreng pisang panas. Sume org booking awal2 semata nk dptkan plate WTF yg hmm apa eh maksud dia?? haha Lagi sehari kita da nk masuk tahun baru (ikut calender kapir) tp ikut calender Islam kita sebenarnya sudah pn memasuki tahun yg baru. Da ada yg ajak join bbq tp aku siap2 bg alasan blk kg (bohong sunat tu namannye) Malas nk bersosial.
Semlm at last jumpa juga aku dgn k ziqah and her cute baby ariq. Hubby dia pn ada sekali. Dtg jmp aku nk bg diary. OMG she's preggy for 3 months now. Itu yg akan berlaku kalo tiada precaution. hehe Anyways, maybe mmg rezeki dia kan. Geram betul dgn ariq. Em muka mmg sgt ada iras adik k ziqah (i know who) Abaikan. Ble lepas ni buat muka tak malu pegi umah dia lepak n main main dgn ariq.
After that went to KL.Gado.Blk umah. haha
Alif asked me to join him to watch theater on the 8th.Ika (his friend) is one of the main cast.Lama dah tak tgk theater.Pegi tanak pegi? hmmm on 10th Jan abg mar kawin. Wajib pegi BP.Aiyoo Harap jadual tidak menzalimiku.
On YM i chat dgn my mmu friend.Dia cite pasal junior aku and guess what dia penah keje setempat dgn aku.Sgt tak sangka dia itu ada seorang saiko.Previously, dia penah buat hal in my company.Now,she's doing it again in Cyberjaya but from what i heard from my friend (the victim) this far more worst.haiyoo hope that he can get rid of her and may the justice be the solution.