
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Officially he is your new cousin! (faint)

YOU is next (no not me :P)

I managed to attend dalila's wedding at 1pm haha (tak guna punye sedara kul 1 baru muncul).Unfortunately,Mr Fiance can't attend her cousin's wedding because was too sleepy.I was ok with it since i still have the empathy to let him have a good rest.Then, i received a msg "Daddy pegi kenduri aleng" I'm like WTF? ckp nk tidooooo. Now u have the guts to attend ur colleagues wedding?? Sabar tu separuh dr iman kan.Bersabar la sehingga abis majlis. BUT di sebabkan aku kena sound dgn makdik menjadikan hati aku yg sejuk bertukar panas. So say sorry to sabar. I need to let it out hahaha

Auw attended dalila's wedding.huhu its a wow! for us and in fact to everyone.I got some photos here to upload.A lot are missing in the photos.Hoping there are more showing up when my times come.At night i tried to gado with him tp as usual dia tak layan. heh! to satisfied myself, bla bla bla bebel hahahaha Lepas dia masuk keje.I called up my besties, bla bla bla on the phone for 1 hour! Baru bole tido dgn peace.

p/s: congrats to ain (ex vads) & azrin! congrats to k az & danny (mar's brother)
oh did i mention? everyone liking my baju!! thanks adik teehehee