
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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Brain damaged reported.huhu best tido awal tp tetap bgn lmbt.ada org nk belikan jam loceng.weehehehe sila pilih color yg sesuai.if not tq babai.yesterday went to klcc.met my old fren 'azura' oh so comel.lama tak jmp minah tu.dine in at "signature",actually i was looking for "picnic" rupa-rupanya da tuka nama daa.. had laksa johor (always my fav) and sirap bandung.

Today,not feeling well : ( esok nk g batu pahat.kuarkan diri dr kesesakan di kota.

Affirmative I'm Sure

Semlm adalah ari menghabiskan masa di highway.kaya tol kalo ada org cam kitaorg ni n credits to oil consumption too!itulah akibat tiada arah tujuan.tido pn lmbt tp miracle happened today, i reached office at 8.02am.weeehuuuu.

Ada org pertikaikan on how u write on ur own personal diary or blog or wordpress or anything etc.Some like to write it base on point form,an essay and some like to write it in secret language.Well,actually it base on urself and how u like to potray the situation dat happens to u in ur own method.U can judge me urself.Im sucks in essay.I dont like essay.So for the readers if u dont understand.buat2 je la cam paham yerk.hahaha

Next week on monday.Our paklah will decided whether to set on ceiling rate or floor rate.ceiling rate is a fix rate RM3.cemana jatuh or naik harga myk tu kita tetap byr RM3 per!as for floor rate depends on market price.i prefer floor rate.oh i need to read paper everyday.lack of information.

"There is no turning back after you have made your decision"

HiahiahiaHiahiahia di pagi yg indah~


Pasal minah mulut bau longkang smlm.aku mls nk cari gado n apa org nk ckp bakang ckp la.yg penting aku yg sendiri kenal diri aku siapa.
so smlm nye hal kire em am gitu gitu laa..malas nk fikir.janji gua tak kacau idup org lain.kacau idup org 'tuuuu' je.huhu dpt la aku tido dgn nyenyak smlm.nasib tak terlajak.i really enjoyed the moment being with 'you' yesterday,thanks dear.well well, for a start today i woke up early (tader la awl sgt pun) and reached my office around 8.02am haha okla tu kan.
Nak jadi citer.arini aku tak pakai touch n go.kire arini manual la then bila smp kt tol damansara.duit aku da sediakan siap2 so smp je kt tol gate tu aku leh la cpt2 byr n blah.hehehahaha sesampainye saye di situ,saye pn mahu hulurkan duit pastu br terigt eh tiket! masa nk bg tiket kt tolgateguy tu,tiket tu melayang2 spt layang-layang ke luar hahahahah dan aku mengunakan muka simpati aku pada mamat tu.mmg tak senget muka dia tau!hahahaha dia terpaksa keluar dr counter n amik tiket for me.da setel sume sempat lg aku tgk muka dia n say "sorry!!!!! :D" it someway somehow make my day.
Masuk sikit cite pasal "a***",make me realized that since at the beginning im hurt enough.smlm sawan rajin aku smp.kemas here n there.terigt ada org tuuu nk notepad "tanak beli nk free je" he said.hampeh! terjumpa la diary aku n di dlm nye ada tertulis sumthing on date 29th Dec 2007.i was expressing my feelings and questioning myself "why? why? why?" now only i have the guts to do so.felt really happy that i have found my roots back.
Thanks everyone.cheers~ =P


ergh!!! @!$@#%#$^%&*^&*$%^#$%
ok dat explaining more than enough which i am so mad rite now.kalo chat dgn pompan ni mesti ada je citer.mulut longkang gak kan. but come to think about it. betul ke apa yg dia cite???well,ni sume pasal cinta yg aku rasa smp bila bila pn nyusahkan idup aku kut. nasib skang kt tmpt keje kalo tak mmg da meletup da ni. kalo betul la apa yg pompan ni cite.baik blah je lg senang.sume org pn akan suka.

dr dulu smp skang cinta ni mmg complicated.apa pun aku pilih n buat mesti akan mendatangkan masalah.akan ada mulut org yg nyampai2 ni sume.dulu aku bole bertahan so skang ni aku dpt lg benda yg sama.bole ke aku nk go through the same phase in 2008 plak? haha aku ni kena pindah terus dr sini kut.apply segala gala pastu blah dr malaysia ni.mmg aku nak nak nak sgt blah tp buat apa lari dr masalah sendiri kan.bila igt da selesai ada lg bila igt da selesai ada lg.masalah yg sama berulang ulang.smp da tua camni minta ampun cpt la tanam aku.itu sbb apa apa pun salah aku buat mmg aku tak suka nak simpan.sape nk kawan dgn aku jadi lah tp kalo tak terima sila berambus!

DOSA? siapa kita nk tentukan bape byk dosa da kita buat? hanya yg di atas mengetahui.manusia terlalu lemah dgn hasutan setan.termasuklah aku.kita sedar tp kita buat hahaha kena gi sekolah pondok lah camni jd tabligh.hiahiahiahia ramai sgt kut yg sakit hati of my behaviour.biarlah aku yg tanggung semua.pls do not involve my parents i admit they treat me well enough.aku ni dr kecik dah dogil.siapa pandai nk buangkan dogil aku tu mmg salute!

Thanks to my beloved friend "dewi dania" for always be right next to me in wutever situation ive gone through.(sbb ko jugak la aku nk buat blog ni sikit sebyk rasa lega dpt merepek je kt sini tp tak dpt nk cite lelebih heh) And to another person which still new in my life "buga" i appreciate wutever sacrifice u have done and its still not too late to save ur life.Thank you.

p/s:hope to find a better place.where ppl hardly know u.
today is the ANNIVERSARY!!

Before i go to sleep

Just got back. I'm alone at home. tu yg tgh rajin nk menaip. what i felt just now very the touching. haha (u! diam ok) mm i dont know what to say but then again. rasa cam bole buat resepi kut macam2 rasa ada now. bunyi ujan ni cam best jer nk tido. apa la mama ayah buat kt sana. selalu dorang ada aku bila aku ada kt umh ni selalu dorang lak tader. haish.

Esok isnin! oh nooooooooo hate monday blues! gosok baju pn tak lg ni. Kenapa mesti benci ari isnin? hari tu sendiri tak bersalah hiahiahia. Masa time sude sampei.gua mau tido lu.chow!

The beginning..

Hate to admit that i need a blog.So here i am,setting up everything.huhu Today,working all alone.Nobody to talk with (except chatting which i always does) i mean in reality.cepat la nalissssss macam2 rasa ada ni.

One thing for sure,i need a blog just because my life is still waving like a wave or it can be like a wind.da lamanye rasa tak merepek cam gini.My first diary when i was standard 6 if im not mistaken.This is my private and personal stories.Ppl that i trusted most can read what i have in my mind.

Need to ammend here and there.Since im a newbie fresh from the oven.hahah~