
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Affirmative I'm Sure

Semlm adalah ari menghabiskan masa di highway.kaya tol kalo ada org cam kitaorg ni n credits to oil consumption too!itulah akibat tiada arah tujuan.tido pn lmbt tp miracle happened today, i reached office at 8.02am.weeehuuuu.

Ada org pertikaikan on how u write on ur own personal diary or blog or wordpress or anything etc.Some like to write it base on point form,an essay and some like to write it in secret language.Well,actually it base on urself and how u like to potray the situation dat happens to u in ur own method.U can judge me urself.Im sucks in essay.I dont like essay.So for the readers if u dont understand.buat2 je la cam paham yerk.hahaha

Next week on monday.Our paklah will decided whether to set on ceiling rate or floor rate.ceiling rate is a fix rate RM3.cemana jatuh or naik harga myk tu kita tetap byr RM3 per!as for floor rate depends on market price.i prefer floor rate.oh i need to read paper everyday.lack of information.

"There is no turning back after you have made your decision"