Pasal minah mulut bau longkang smlm.aku mls nk cari gado n apa org nk ckp bakang ckp la.yg penting aku yg sendiri kenal diri aku siapa.
so smlm nye hal kire em am gitu gitu laa..malas nk fikir.janji gua tak kacau idup org lain.kacau idup org 'tuuuu' je.huhu dpt la aku tido dgn nyenyak smlm.nasib tak terlajak.i really enjoyed the moment being with 'you' yesterday,thanks dear.well well, for a start today i woke up early (tader la awl sgt pun) and reached my office around 8.02am haha okla tu kan. Today
Nak jadi citer.arini aku tak pakai touch n go.kire arini manual la then bila smp kt tol damansara.duit aku da sediakan siap2 so smp je kt tol gate tu aku leh la cpt2 byr n blah.hehehahaha sesampainye saye di situ,saye pn mahu hulurkan duit pastu br terigt eh tiket! masa nk bg tiket kt tolgateguy tu,tiket tu melayang2 spt layang-layang ke luar hahahahah dan aku mengunakan muka simpati aku pada mamat tu.mmg tak senget muka dia tau!hahahaha dia terpaksa keluar dr counter n amik tiket for me.da setel sume sempat lg aku tgk muka dia n say "sorry!!!!! :D" it someway somehow make my day.
Masuk sikit cite pasal "a***",make me realized that since at the beginning im hurt enough.smlm sawan rajin aku smp.kemas here n there.terigt ada org tuuu nk notepad "tanak beli nk free je" he said.hampeh! terjumpa la diary aku n di dlm nye ada tertulis sumthing on date 29th Dec 2007.i was expressing my feelings and questioning myself "why? why? why?" now only i have the guts to do so.felt really happy that i have found my roots back.
Thanks everyone.cheers~ =P
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