
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The beginning..

Hate to admit that i need a blog.So here i am,setting up everything.huhu Today,working all alone.Nobody to talk with (except chatting which i always does) i mean in reality.cepat la nalissssss macam2 rasa ada ni.

One thing for sure,i need a blog just because my life is still waving like a wave or it can be like a wind.da lamanye rasa tak merepek cam gini.My first diary when i was standard 6 if im not mistaken.This is my private and personal stories.Ppl that i trusted most can read what i have in my mind.

Need to ammend here and there.Since im a newbie fresh from the oven.hahah~


dlady said...


Dewi'Dania said...

weeeeeeeeee~ yey alia akhirnye buat blog..muahahahah :P welcome to the club~

dlady said...

hahahaha tlg la.aku terjebak tp best gak.nanti da pandai join kronikus wah..

Dewi'Dania said...

yey..sile2 la belajar sini sbb kronikus sangat memeningkan kepale..hahah sampai skang masih minta tolong orang nak buat kronikus nie.

dlady said...
