Al maklum sume tau plate WTF laku macam goreng pisang panas. Sume org booking awal2 semata nk dptkan plate WTF yg hmm apa eh maksud dia?? haha Lagi sehari kita da nk masuk tahun baru (ikut calender kapir) tp ikut calender Islam kita sebenarnya sudah pn memasuki tahun yg baru. Da ada yg ajak join bbq tp aku siap2 bg alasan blk kg (bohong sunat tu namannye) Malas nk bersosial.
Semlm at last jumpa juga aku dgn k ziqah and her cute baby ariq. Hubby dia pn ada sekali. Dtg jmp aku nk bg diary. OMG she's preggy for 3 months now. Itu yg akan berlaku kalo tiada precaution. hehe Anyways, maybe mmg rezeki dia kan. Geram betul dgn ariq. Em muka mmg sgt ada iras adik k ziqah (i know who) Abaikan. Ble lepas ni buat muka tak malu pegi umah dia lepak n main main dgn ariq.
After that went to KL.Gado.Blk umah. haha
Alif asked me to join him to watch theater on the 8th.Ika (his friend) is one of the main cast.Lama dah tak tgk theater.Pegi tanak pegi? hmmm on 10th Jan abg mar kawin. Wajib pegi BP.Aiyoo Harap jadual tidak menzalimiku.
On YM i chat dgn my mmu friend.Dia cite pasal junior aku and guess what dia penah keje setempat dgn aku.Sgt tak sangka dia itu ada seorang saiko.Previously, dia penah buat hal in my company.Now,she's doing it again in Cyberjaya but from what i heard from my friend (the victim) this far more worst.haiyoo hope that he can get rid of her and may the justice be the solution.
3D2N @ Ipoh
Ari khamis mlm aritu gerak gi ipoh.The next day terus gi nikah abg chik.Lepas sembahyang jumaat patutnye majlis jalan tp byk misunderstanding.Kitaorg smp kt surau,bersapau agak lama di situ.Rupanye ada lg satu pasangan pn akan dinikahkan pada waktu yg sama.Tok kadi yg agak lalok dan nyaris nyaris salah nikah. hahaha tak pasal tuka pasangan plak masa nikah.Yg lagi kelaka,pasangan lagi satu pengantin pompan.Baju dia sgt takle bla. Fine la baju ko tak sempat gi fitting tp tak perlu la nk tunjuk kat sume org yg baju tu besar dan pin plak kt luar. Adoiiii jd buah mulut org je kt dlm surau. (tak pasal buat dosa hahaha) On saturday plak again aku dijadikan pengapit. muka aku ni mmg muka pengapit kut. haha dari kecik smp la da beso panjang ni. Aku pasti terpilih utk menjadi pengapit. hahha. Sori to say makanan yg disediakan on the reception tidak sedap. Aku memula makan semangat sbb lapo sgt. Bila da suap makin lama makin slow suapan aku.Tanak rude tader la aku komen apa apa.Rupa rupanya, belah malam sume org sakit perut cirit birit kecuali aku. ahahahahahhahahaha Nasib baik la aku terkecuali. Laki aku paling kesian sebabnya sehingga smlm perut dia masih sakit. Ikan yg dihidang awal awal mmg da basi.Cemana la org berniaga makanan macam ni. Nak bayaran tp makanan tak fresh. Harap my wedding will go smoothly.Mak dia plak da bgtau kt aku awal awal.There will be 2 receptions,one will be at hotel and another one will be at his hometown.hmm exhausted la jawabnye..
Officially he is your new cousin! (faint)

Auw attended dalila's wedding.huhu its a wow! for us and in fact to everyone.I got some photos here to upload.A lot are missing in the photos.Hoping there are more showing up when my times come.At night i tried to gado with him tp as usual dia tak layan. heh! to satisfied myself, bla bla bla bebel hahahaha Lepas dia masuk keje.I called up my besties, bla bla bla on the phone for 1 hour! Baru bole tido dgn peace.
p/s: congrats to ain (ex vads) & azrin! congrats to k az & danny (mar's brother)
oh did i mention? everyone liking my baju!! thanks adik teehehee
I'm back!!
Wuhuuu im engaged to the right man.. I have the date and now planning it bits by bits.
Theme color already chosen.Hall booked.The rest of the list will need to do more research on it.Money money if i have lotsa money it wont be such a headache ya..
Next week,my cousin in Segambut will going to get married.She's younger than us and im not looking forward to check out her soon going to be wed.Im sure it will be just not my taste.Next coming wedding will be on May 2010.Now thats what im waiting! haha jahatnye aku pilih kasih plak.Im going to make a new blackie dress just to attend her wedding.
p/s: Mr Fiance is working so hard now.Pity pity him.Am so cant wait to be his MRS.
Theme color already chosen.Hall booked.The rest of the list will need to do more research on it.Money money if i have lotsa money it wont be such a headache ya..
Next week,my cousin in Segambut will going to get married.She's younger than us and im not looking forward to check out her soon going to be wed.Im sure it will be just not my taste.Next coming wedding will be on May 2010.Now thats what im waiting! haha jahatnye aku pilih kasih plak.Im going to make a new blackie dress just to attend her wedding.
p/s: Mr Fiance is working so hard now.Pity pity him.Am so cant wait to be his MRS.
2 weeks more
saya masih lg atas katil. byk benda nk buat ni tp badanku melekat di katil. aaaaaa bln ini sungguh pack. good luck syg for this coming friday. i hope u'll have all the guts and show u're the man! weeeeeee
Good news for me!!
My bestie is the first to know abt it. Cant wait till the day come because i will be yours forever dy! hehe my parents doesnt know yet but im sure they will happy as i am right now! Oh i cant wait to wear you! huhuhu (im loving my new hp!)
Saiko Freak!
Posted by
on Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Mental Damage
Comments: (0)
Yesterday received a miss called from a number 016**93017.So i did returned the call but the phone is off.I sent him a msg.Today I received a notification ; delivered. Here goes :-
Mr Freak : tak kenal ke
me : tak kenal
Mr Freak : saya kwn lama awak
me : kalo kwn lama bgtau le nama
Mr Freak : awk cepat terlupa contoh kita kena cuba setia pada pasangan masing masing pada saya,seharusnya kita berfikiran matang dlm isu berkaitan percintaan.biar berkawan ramai tetapi kekasih hanya seorang
me : how can i remember all of my friend's number? if you think your name is be it.i dont have time to play riddles now.
Mr Freak : tak kenal lagi
me : Thanks for letting me know you are my old friend.selamat berpuasa.salam.
Mr Freak : puasa jangan tinggal tau. awak nampak comel (aku rasa macam kenal ayat hujung ni)
saiko kan? wth i dont give a damn.lecturing me in the morning talking about loyalty? ha ha very funny but somehow someway i think i can predict he is my case of the ex* lol
just stop bugging me because i already have a beautiful life ahead.. :D
Mr Freak : tak kenal ke
me : tak kenal
Mr Freak : saya kwn lama awak
me : kalo kwn lama bgtau le nama
Mr Freak : awk cepat terlupa contoh kita kena cuba setia pada pasangan masing masing pada saya,seharusnya kita berfikiran matang dlm isu berkaitan percintaan.biar berkawan ramai tetapi kekasih hanya seorang
me : how can i remember all of my friend's number? if you think your name is be it.i dont have time to play riddles now.
Mr Freak : tak kenal lagi
me : Thanks for letting me know you are my old friend.selamat berpuasa.salam.
Mr Freak : puasa jangan tinggal tau. awak nampak comel (aku rasa macam kenal ayat hujung ni)
saiko kan? wth i dont give a damn.lecturing me in the morning talking about loyalty? ha ha very funny but somehow someway i think i can predict he is my case of the ex* lol
just stop bugging me because i already have a beautiful life ahead.. :D
Sembilan September 2009
Posted by
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Arini bgn pg terus pegi kt post box.Tgk2 TAK ADA!! Aku da start nk marah sbb da pesan byk kali and dia da janji byk kali.How can I still believe him?? adoi kalo da budak subang buat keje mmg cam gini la gayanye. Aku buat rilek je lepas tu.Konon nk tuka rantai so buka la rantai yg mmg aku jarang buka ni.Tgh2 godek pehhhh putus la plak! Da la syg kt rantai tu. uhuk uhuk
Is today a bad day?
Marahnye rasa.
Kereta da siap dibaiki.How was the condition? eheh ada soalan menarik yg diberi kepada pomen tersebut. buga bertanye"Cat ni mmg meleleh ke bang?" dgn muka yg sgt ingin tahu."Oh yg itu mmg macam tu" pomen itu menjawap.Im like WHAT? did I hear u're saying mmg macam tu.Baru je nk tlg melayu tapi kalo da melayu tak reti nk buat keje dgn bersungguh sungguh.You tell me how? Jem otak aku.
2 hari turut2 pegi shopping di Pyramid and Curve.2 hari jugak la ranap poket aku.hahaha
Can't resisted the beautiful things.BUT I'm regretting one thing.I think I bought a wrong pair of shoes!!!! aaaaaaa Jiwa Kacau. I need to sell the shoes and I need to buy a new pair of shoes.
This coming sunday going to meet the parents.weeeheee Still thinking on what to wear *wink.So now get back to work. Adios!
**p/s: Nothing extraordinary with the date 9.9.09, just an ordinary day.. daily day.. ordinary day.
Is today a bad day?
Marahnye rasa.
Kereta da siap dibaiki.How was the condition? eheh ada soalan menarik yg diberi kepada pomen tersebut. buga bertanye"Cat ni mmg meleleh ke bang?" dgn muka yg sgt ingin tahu."Oh yg itu mmg macam tu" pomen itu menjawap.Im like WHAT? did I hear u're saying mmg macam tu.Baru je nk tlg melayu tapi kalo da melayu tak reti nk buat keje dgn bersungguh sungguh.You tell me how? Jem otak aku.
2 hari turut2 pegi shopping di Pyramid and Curve.2 hari jugak la ranap poket aku.hahaha
Can't resisted the beautiful things.BUT I'm regretting one thing.I think I bought a wrong pair of shoes!!!! aaaaaaa Jiwa Kacau. I need to sell the shoes and I need to buy a new pair of shoes.
This coming sunday going to meet the parents.weeeheee Still thinking on what to wear *wink.So now get back to work. Adios!
**p/s: Nothing extraordinary with the date 9.9.09, just an ordinary day.. daily day.. ordinary day.
Shit happens
Posted by
on Friday, September 4, 2009
Comments: (0)
keretaku dilanggar oleh pakcik tua tp aku tak panggil dia pakcik.ergh panas je hati di bulan puasa.nasib baik tak puasa.malas betul nk handle kes accident.itu la ini la.ptg ni nk jmp org bengkel.kan best kalo masuk bengkel terus dpt keter baru muahahahaha fine.lawak bodo jerk.
sakit mata nk tgk monitor tp jam baru pukul 2.42!!
sakit mata nk tgk monitor tp jam baru pukul 2.42!!
Serai Seksyen 3
Arini buka puasa beramai ramai di restoran Serai seksyen 3.sedap gak la and harga ok la utk 8 org makan.glad that my dad is joining.hehe mak aku akhirnya dpt berjumpa dgn mama mar.sgt penat.. rasa best sgt dpt lepak kt rumah je.
Ok nk tido dah good nite!
Ok nk tido dah good nite!
Hujan di pagi hari
Hari ini baru hari yg ke-6 seluruh umat Islam menyambut kedatangan Ramadhan dan sepanjang 6 hari ini baru 2 kali ku sembahyang terawih.Buat penuh sewaktu di surau mmg tidak perasan waktu yg berjalan.Terjumpa pula ustazah hindon (*ustazah yg mengajarku mengaji dan aku suka ponteng lalu pergi ke kedai Jimat untuk membeli cekedis muahahahaha) di surau,melihat riak wajahnya yg sedikit terkejut tetapi memberikan ku senyuman seribu makna apabila ku masih lg gagah selepas sembahyang terawih.Nah! waktu ku rajin hanya seketika.. sekarang ku kembali bermalasan semula..
Kembali ke topik makanan,sahur tadi aku cuba merasa kaedah terbaru cara masakan kedai mamak yg beroperasi 24 jam iaitu nasi lemak goreng *wutthaheck? Setelah aku mencuba,makanan yang telah disumbatkan ke dalam mulut terasa sangat lembap untuk membuat laluan kedua di kerongkong.Aku cuba memaksa mulutku mengunyah,yang luaknya hanya suku.Aduh masak puasa pada hari ini.Pasti pelbagai jenis musik akan berkumandang menjelang tengahari kelak.
Sofa menjerit jerit memanggil aku minta untuk membelainya..
Selamat pagi semua
p/s: terasa cam nak novel plak.muahahaha.ngantuk.seman.
Kembali ke topik makanan,sahur tadi aku cuba merasa kaedah terbaru cara masakan kedai mamak yg beroperasi 24 jam iaitu nasi lemak goreng *wutthaheck? Setelah aku mencuba,makanan yang telah disumbatkan ke dalam mulut terasa sangat lembap untuk membuat laluan kedua di kerongkong.Aku cuba memaksa mulutku mengunyah,yang luaknya hanya suku.Aduh masak puasa pada hari ini.Pasti pelbagai jenis musik akan berkumandang menjelang tengahari kelak.
Sofa menjerit jerit memanggil aku minta untuk membelainya..
Selamat pagi semua
p/s: terasa cam nak novel plak.muahahaha.ngantuk.seman.
Selamat Menyambut Ketibaan Bulan Ramadhan

Well today is Hari Syak which mean nobody can perform fasting because tomorrow all muslim will start to fast.. huhu So to begin my story,it started from 4.15am.Saya bgn lmbt!! Set alarm pukul 4pg sedarnye pukul 4.15pg.Nak masuk keje pukul 5pg ohhh.. Kelam kelibut mcm charlie chaplin but managed to arrive on time. Tibe tibe dpt phone call.Mula rasa cam nk marah sbb dlm hati berkata "aik tak tido lg ke dia ni?" Rupa rupanya dia nk tanye soalan berbunyi "eh u arini kita start puasa ke?" I'm like what? Bkn ke smlm org tu confident ckp kalo dah 1 ramadhan tu jatuh pada hari 22hb ogos maknanya kita mmg akan puasa on that day.eheh Disuruhnya search dgn keadaan aku yg masih lg terkebil kebil tgk monitor. Sahhhh!! Umat Islam akan menyambut bulan puasa pada 22hb Ogos 2009 bersamaan 1 Ramadhan 1430 H.Tak caya gak?? nah artikel. Kepada muslimin dan muslimat selamat melakukan amal ibadah pada bulan puasa.
My on9 shop Five Petals Shop has finally fully upload with my products! The good news is,the product have been sold for the total RM750! hehehe Alhamdulillah.. Go and check it out while the stock last! wewiittt~
Am i going to Bandung next Feb?? heeee :D Tiket di belanja oleh my future mother in law! Trimas mama.. (ecehwah!) The trip would be awesome as i heard 25 people will be going to the same trip! I cant wait, I cant wait!!
Yesterday, my TL have been terminated.My oh my~ Need to take care my ass now or should i just search another job?? One of my colleague from MOE is going to move for another job.uhuk uhuk Im nearly 2 years now.Wow! Its so not me but hey its me.Staying and focusing to only the job im hired to do and be loyal.Really? Did i just say that?
Its wednesday!
For this month my work shift will be starting at 5am to 2pm.Ngantuknye arini.KL banjir everywhere.Bagus gak tu.Bulan puasa tak lama lg.Sejuk sket time puasa nanti.Ada benda nk tulis tetapi di sebabkan pompan sebelah aku ni membebel cam keretapi.Hilang sume benda dah.
Yeay! Ptg ni nk tgk wayang.Most probably 'The Proposal' or 'G.I Joe' .
My online blog is 70% up.Hopefully by next week i'll finish everything and start to collect money!
Cant wait to see the fashion show on saturday.Alif will be the photographer and i will be the 'mandor' hahaha yeeehaaaaaaaaaa!
Yeay! Ptg ni nk tgk wayang.Most probably 'The Proposal' or 'G.I Joe' .
My online blog is 70% up.Hopefully by next week i'll finish everything and start to collect money!
Cant wait to see the fashion show on saturday.Alif will be the photographer and i will be the 'mandor' hahaha yeeehaaaaaaaaaa!
Sunday Morning
What am i doing now? hahah 3G-ing with me buga. Baru saja lepas membasuh baju. Cian dia ptg kang nk tido.Masuk keje kul 4 satgi.Weeeeeee ada org tu da kuar swift! Cpt la turun shah alam yer. Nk test drive ni. Ptg ni nk shooting product.Cant wait to upload it.. Im back to do my online business!
Ipoh mali ipoh ipoh mali
On 31st July I went to Ipoh with me buga because of his sister's engagement ceremony.I stayed there for 3 nights.Habis sume sedara mara ku dah kenali.What i can say it here.The families are so bond with each other it fills with a lots of laughter.Congrats Kak Ila and Abg Joe.There're expecting to get married next year.
**hmm when is my turn? hahaha will see.
3rd Day and I will be back!
Its Day 2
My Ever vacation on 2009! Day 1
Updating my July's activity
5th July 09
Its me buga's birthday hehe I'm glad it went through smoothly and i saw your face. You were shocked! haha
Another bday boy.This fella "Zaer Ashraf" shared the same birthdate with me buga hehe
I'm just too lazy to type.So i'm uploading all the photo and it will explain everything that happen on JULY's month (because i missed it out)
Getting chubbier day by day
Yuhuuuu lamanye tak buka diary ni!! Tuka layout baru.Now only br ada semangat nk tgk blk blog.Tomorrow la jawapnye bole update since today I can go back early.Weeeee!! Nasib ada driver aka my lover dtg menjemput.Ari-ari sakit pinggang kerusi ni ke yg salah ke pinggang ni yg salah? heh
Meh sini aku update citer terbaru dulu la. Yg lama tu nk kena korek blk dlm otak.
31st July 09
After worked at 10pm,we straight away drove back to Ipoh and this time im following.Dlm kete mata sgt ngantuk tp tido tak bape nk lena la kan.Reached Ipoh at 12.30am.Sume org menunggu.Keras jugak aku in the very beginning.Mkn sebelum tido.Alamatnye mmg perut bertambah buncit.
1st Aug 09
Adalah hari mengerahkan tenaga.Theme adalah purple.Esok adalah harinya.Kami bergotong royong dan bergelak ketawa.
2nd Aug 09
K ila sah menjadi tunangan org.huhu Aku di sakat oleh kaum suku sakat tetapi masih boleh mengukir senyuman kambing.hahaha to Buga "i love to be apart of your family" Malamnye dpt mkn tuka (anak ikan pari) walaupun aku da mkn tp aku tetap boleh sumbat.huhu
3rd Aug 09
Hari bgn lewat tp tak la lewat sgt.Ptg kami pulang ke KL. Esoknya saya masih cuti lg huhuhhu
Gamba akan di upload kemudian hari.
**received text msg "Da smp" and i'm smiling ;)
Meh sini aku update citer terbaru dulu la. Yg lama tu nk kena korek blk dlm otak.
31st July 09
After worked at 10pm,we straight away drove back to Ipoh and this time im following.Dlm kete mata sgt ngantuk tp tido tak bape nk lena la kan.Reached Ipoh at 12.30am.Sume org menunggu.Keras jugak aku in the very beginning.Mkn sebelum tido.Alamatnye mmg perut bertambah buncit.
1st Aug 09
Adalah hari mengerahkan tenaga.Theme adalah purple.Esok adalah harinya.Kami bergotong royong dan bergelak ketawa.
2nd Aug 09
K ila sah menjadi tunangan org.huhu Aku di sakat oleh kaum suku sakat tetapi masih boleh mengukir senyuman kambing.hahaha to Buga "i love to be apart of your family" Malamnye dpt mkn tuka (anak ikan pari) walaupun aku da mkn tp aku tetap boleh sumbat.huhu
3rd Aug 09
Hari bgn lewat tp tak la lewat sgt.Ptg kami pulang ke KL. Esoknya saya masih cuti lg huhuhhu
Gamba akan di upload kemudian hari.
**received text msg "Da smp" and i'm smiling ;)
Dayah's wed
29th May 2009
She's happily married with yoyo. hehe Gamba sudah ku post ke FB. Selesai sudah.
Oh lg sebulan nk pergi pulau!! tak saba.. tak saba.. hihihi tatau nk tulis apa dah.
Ok Bye!
She's happily married with yoyo. hehe Gamba sudah ku post ke FB. Selesai sudah.
Oh lg sebulan nk pergi pulau!! tak saba.. tak saba.. hihihi tatau nk tulis apa dah.
Ok Bye!
Hens night!
Cant wait for my Honeymoon Getaway!
Ive done some research for my upcoming trip! Ive found some interesting info about Shari-La Island Resort. I will post it here as for my reference in future. Air Asia's flight ticket from KUL to KBR will cost you a lot.Return ticket will be in total of RM85.50 and you need to find a cab in order for you to reach the Kuala Besut Jeti. I prefer to take a bus from Bus Station at Seksyen 17 which is near to my house huhu
Check out all this links!
Review from Backpacker's Blog
Photo Gallery of Shari-La Island Resort
Traveler Review
I will definitely enjoy my sunset high tea at the resort! Oh cant wait!!
Check out all this links!
Review from Backpacker's Blog
Photo Gallery of Shari-La Island Resort
Traveler Review
I will definitely enjoy my sunset high tea at the resort! Oh cant wait!!
Dinner at Tanjung Muara
Good Day!
おは - ohayougozaimasu - Japan
guten Morgen - Germany
早上好 [zao3 shang5 hao3] - Chinese
buon giorno - Italian
kutabare! he he he
** Coming friday bachelorette party. Lets get wild!
This saturday i have an invitation my ex schoolmate Zarina is getting married.
(why laa everyone getting married this year??)
End of the month Dayah and Chatz also getting married plus my 1st ever anniversary.
Early June 6 my cousin getting married.
July oh cant wait is my getaway month!!! and someone's special birthday (eeeeeee cpt lah!)
August my buga's is getting engaged agagagaga need to be there for 3 days! yikes!
Also preparation is fasting month!!! oh shopping shopping!
My brother's birthday.
September Aidilfitri month!
October what to do eh? oh my sis's birthday.
November my favorite month! hahaha
December hmmm mmmm hope another getaway! i hope that piggy flu is gone by this time.
REMINDER kpd yg nk saving rajin rajinkan la mengganti PUASA. Sekian terima kasih.
guten Morgen - Germany
早上好 [zao3 shang5 hao3] - Chinese
buon giorno - Italian
kutabare! he he he
** Coming friday bachelorette party. Lets get wild!
This saturday i have an invitation my ex schoolmate Zarina is getting married.
(why laa everyone getting married this year??)
End of the month Dayah and Chatz also getting married plus my 1st ever anniversary.
Early June 6 my cousin getting married.
July oh cant wait is my getaway month!!! and someone's special birthday (eeeeeee cpt lah!)
August my buga's is getting engaged agagagaga need to be there for 3 days! yikes!
Also preparation is fasting month!!! oh shopping shopping!
My brother's birthday.
September Aidilfitri month!
October what to do eh? oh my sis's birthday.
November my favorite month! hahaha
December hmmm mmmm hope another getaway! i hope that piggy flu is gone by this time.
REMINDER kpd yg nk saving rajin rajinkan la mengganti PUASA. Sekian terima kasih.
How I really HATES being ALONE!
Im so pissed off
Im so annoying
Im so mad
Im so sad
Im so sleepy
Im so sensitive
I hate all this mixture feeling
Im so annoying
Im so mad
Im so sad
Im so sleepy
Im so sensitive
I hate all this mixture feeling
Posted by
on Sunday, May 17, 2009
Mental Damage
Comments: (0)
Aku ke yg lost skang ni?
Kenapa tibe tibe aku jadi camni?
Do I need HELP?
**mental damaged
Kenapa tibe tibe aku jadi camni?
Do I need HELP?
**mental damaged
Dont Speak
Posted by
on Saturday, May 16, 2009
Mental Damage
Comments: (0)
I know just what you're saying
So please stop explaining
Don't tell me cause it hurts
It's all ending
I gotta stop pretending who we are...
Aaaaaaaaaa.. Yesterday was really a disaster because i was really really down. I've managed to stand up today without tears on my eyes. Yes truly madly i am happy with my new life no regrets on it. Just that seeing him like that makes me really blue. On 14th May 2009 is all ending. I should have feel it before but i dont know why. I felt missing really missing. It was a heartbroken on whats happen in my life since i cherish the love and never planning thats all of this will be true. I've called everyone just to make me awake that life must goes on. Previously, i am mad at him and hates him a lot.All that had dissapeared instead i felt his grief. I know he is lost in his own world regretting to everything. I'm sorry dear it is just too late for us. I have move forward and you should move too. I will never ever forget our memories and we both need to learn from our own mistakes. We have cleared everything and i will always pray for your goodness. May you find the right girl and appreciate her with your own hands. Only Allah knows how i feel now.........
*Just help me to get through all this pains inside me.
Happy Mother's Day!
Bosan tul kena keje. Bila la bole goyang kaki tp bole shopping and travel? Bahagia idup. Gamba berlambak tak update lg. Da ada gamba br bole citer. huhu.. Last tuesday if im not mistaken, my EX called me using different telephone number. So nk tanak kena la angkatkan.. Disebabkan byk sgt citer poyo our coversation agak lama. Dia siap msg mak aku and tahu mak aku kt vietnam.Bila aku bgtau kt mak aku that jerk called me.Mak aku reply balik "Aah sian plak tgk dia" EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Aku plg menyampah bila dpt tahu after we broke up dia nk msg2 mak aku.Perlu ke?? Ada tak aku kacau mak korang?? Yes i know my mother is the best mother in the world but i dont want to share with jerks! Bila aku suruh baik dgn mak aku macam2 la alasan yg diberi. Mak aku ni sporting, lembut hati even he have treaten me badly she can still be friends with jerks like you! Da la mak aku siap nk bg brg lg kt jerk seko ni.So guys out there, bila gf da suh baik dgn mak dia tayah la buat macam2 alasan.In the end, bila gf da tanak dkt ko lepas tu ko nk terkedek kedek buat baik dgn mak dia. hmmm TOOOO LATEEEE! Nuthing would change anything just TOO LATE.
Dgn kesempatan ini I just want to wish all the mother out there...
Dgn kesempatan ini I just want to wish all the mother out there...
Can you stand the evil heat?
Today, I woke up early and drove out to office at 7am.The sunny sun is so bright today you can feel the heat even at 7 in the morning.The traffic is very heavy heh you know Monday blues.I managed to capture a photo for you to observe haha even though i know you know how it looks like!!
I received a bad news today.Hmm about my uncle.. I really hope may Allah give bless and all the prayers goes to him.As for yesterday i bought a brand new camera hope it can satisfied my needs hehe Habib had a fair at centre court The Curve so i dragged him to just take a look hahaha Telan air liur dada dupdapdupdap tgk harga.After that we went to Diamond & Platinum.Ada satu cincin yg betul² ngam with my cute finger.Nyaris² gak nk beli.Susah tul jari size 6 ni heh. I asked him to put on hold.Dont worry syg im sure later we will find the right ring with elegant design and reasonable price hik hik
**not feeling well huk huk
I was at makdik's place. celebrating birthday boy Naiel Azad (lupa plak amik gamba birthday boy! inilah angkara tader digicam sendiri!! uwaaaaaa nk beli gak) Ini adik dia yg menggeramkan!
At the same time i received a lovely gifts from my ehem ehem future mother in law haha
*Kebaya & kek lapis
My voguethevass friends! 666 Wanipple & Myoda at
kelab shah alam attending angah's brother wedding.
(aku paling tua tp muka aku plg kecil hukhuk)
Ini invitations card that i received via post,my best friend Nana and my classmate Hara that i need to attend by end of this month! koyak aku wuhuuu
Ada satu lg kad hairy tertinggal lak, my ofismate.All together 3 weds! pehh
Tak saba nk menjadi pompan melayu terakhir.Jom mar!!
Satu lg tak saba i nk bawa org tu yg cam nk demam tu tidur di kg kuuuu
Anyway, we had a deal which actually is advantage on you! heh
Kakaknye nk tunang on 6th of Aug and i have to be there to meet the relatives.teeeeetttt!
Happy Birthday Mama
Mar ko org pertama and terakhir kenakan aku April Fool tp ko pn jd senarai mangsa aku gak smlm.Disebabkan oleh itu otak aku mencari mangsa lain utk dikenakan b4 the clock strikes to 12 midnight.kahkahkah Nama² mangsa ialah Mardiana,Aidid,Apit,Bob,Nana & De'owe.hahhahahaahhaha puas aku gelak mlm td.Yg paling best sekali most of it kena fool by using the same subject! hhahaha si beruk tu jugak jd bahan.Paling freak out is my cousin Apit @ Apek hahahhahahahahahahaha punya la dia maki aku mlm td.Sekali sekala kenakan org ni best gak.I'll be waiting for next year to come!! hahahha

On Friday, I have dinner with the girls at the curve Mya,Aisha,Syasha,Angah (the only male but he is a she-male hehe) and Aziati.So mya was so pissed off with her ex as u can see his name.Me and aisha gave her our supports to hand this tshirt back.hehehehe Before we went to her bf's house, we did a little experiment on his tshirt which is put a tiny winy little holes on each letters (well not actually a little as u can see LOL).I chose the word "DICK" miahahahahah Beware of women guys! Its a bitchslaps!!
P/s: Still wondering what to buy for my mother's birthday hmmmm....
I'm selling a shoe!
Posted by
on Saturday, March 21, 2009
Mental Damage
Comments: (0)
Today is the last day for me to submit all orders.
Tak penah terasa nk beli pn kasut bergetah ni and now im selling it to all my closest friends.
Crocs as in crocodile. Takut gak la nk jual kasut underground ni but i need to trust Aidid.
Lets pray for the outcome should meet the expectations of everyone.
Byk gak org nk order aku amik untung pada org opis je.Kalo quality cun bole la buat bisnes lg.
Bestnye duduk kt umah tanpa perlu memandu ke mana mana.Tp japgi nk g umah gemuk.hehe spend time dgn en abu.Aku harap tak kena buli la kan.PENATTT la.Rasa cam nk duduk tgk tv jee.
Enjoy your weekend folks!
Tak penah terasa nk beli pn kasut bergetah ni and now im selling it to all my closest friends.
Crocs as in crocodile. Takut gak la nk jual kasut underground ni but i need to trust Aidid.
Lets pray for the outcome should meet the expectations of everyone.
Byk gak org nk order aku amik untung pada org opis je.Kalo quality cun bole la buat bisnes lg.
Bestnye duduk kt umah tanpa perlu memandu ke mana mana.Tp japgi nk g umah gemuk.hehe spend time dgn en abu.Aku harap tak kena buli la kan.PENATTT la.Rasa cam nk duduk tgk tv jee.
Enjoy your weekend folks!
Dont know where to start uuuuuu~
Last weekend sgt bz.Ulang alik kl - sa - kl.Waktu tidur aku terganggu.Ingat bole balas dendam ganti yg tak cukup on weekdays. Harapanku punah.Now im back to work.Luckily,its school holiday.The road is not so pack.My dad alhamdulillah safe at home just that he cant go for bowling this whole week.Maknanye dia kena terperap dlm rumah.So mama takle la kuar cam biasa hehe.On Sunday, went to gombak its dini's wedding.Suprised suprised! i felt so welcome dont know why.Even my sister felt the same.hahaha kesian kami selama ni rasa tak welcome br now nk rasa.Maybe because they felt sorry for me kut.Nvm janji mendapat pujian berat badan da naik. At lastttt! Punya susah nk dpt selera mkn skang keje makan makan makan.Perut pn udah boroi~ hahahahaha tp tetap ada org yg ................... fill in the blanks.LOL.Later in the evening i managed to go to PWTC Matta Fair. Oh cuaca sungguh panas that day.Kepala sgt pening lepas tu pegi tmpt yg ramai org but i can still smiling.Pk nk kena gak kuat utk cari package yg menarik dan percutian yg takkan dilupakan for this year.Cari punya cari dpt package free & easy to Perhentian kecik,Shari La resort.Planning to go on Aug but i hope we can go on july.Supposed may nk g pulau dgn abg mon & friends.Duit tidak mengizinkan terpaksa postpone.
Gemuk waited for us kt luar sbb dia pening kepala.Buga told him we finally bought a package.I make a fool of myself by not understands his term.heh!!!! marah ni!!! here goes the conversation
To mardiana sulaiman : i hope u can join us but at night i need to put a sign "Do not disturb" ahhahahaahahhahahaha
Gemuk waited for us kt luar sbb dia pening kepala.Buga told him we finally bought a package.I make a fool of myself by not understands his term.heh!!!! marah ni!!! here goes the conversation
Gemuk : Sagattt?????Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhh tensen2! kenapa asik nk kena up dgn 2 ekor ni jer. tgu lah masa akan tiba jua nanti.hari pembalasan.I love mushroom gravy rather than having black pepper taste on my tongue.Okla the last meal you cooked last night was a great combination.Habis licin kami kerjakan.Buat la lg so that i can goyang kaki sambil tgu the meal served by man. la la la la~
Buga : Yeahhh
Suga : tukang gelak konon2 paham (hahahahahaa blur)
5 minutes after that....
Suga : B sagat tu apa?
Buga : (Bantai gelak gile gile kemudian menjawap) Sagat pn u tatau ke? Sagat credit card laa
Suga : Oh ye ke (gosh lmbt pick up)
Sambil berpegangan tgn buga tak sesabo mengejar kawannye di dpn kerana tak sabar nk memberitahu mengenai soalan yg baru di tanye oleh suga sigh*
To mardiana sulaiman : i hope u can join us but at night i need to put a sign "Do not disturb" ahhahahaahahhahahaha
I have loads of stories!
Spending times with him 4 days at his friend's house.His friend is actually a friend of my cousins too.baguskan.Well,spending time at a guy's place always ended up you've been bullying to do this and that.I need to cook for them,sapu sampah,do laundries,ironing,do tea and etc.Luckily, his friend can cook too but one thing i know in every meal he wants to cook black pepper is a must.Im warning him do not put any of those or else i cant even swallow your meal at all.hahah Better be honest than suffer.Actually i enjoyed cooking sometimes and it took me a while to finish a meal since i am very particular with food.hahah Now that i can eat a lot,i gained 6kgs and it goes to my belly!! oh i hate sit ups. HELP ME !!
On Saturday,went to my best friend's engagement NANA at seremban.she looks beautiful with the purple dress fits in nicely to her body.I arrived late and the ceremony was finished.They thought i were lost but im not and hell no.I was confused with the tents.The road was badly jammed and the weather was not that good.Raining all the way..Better late then never right! oh lupa lak nk mentioned mar called me.She met an accident while i was on the way to seremban that day.haiyaa bad luck laa! Luckily you and kak az were not injured. Thats all i cared that time.
On Sunday,that was last day i spend my time with my love.keje dia tido tido tido I was awake at noon.I kept thinking whether wanted to cook nasi goreng or not while all the guys were sleeping.What the heck because i couldnt go back to sleep so i cooked! I brought the meal into the bedroom and woke him up.hahahhahaha bole tak dia nampak pastu senyum kambing amik selimut selubungkan diri.hahahhahahahhahaha At night,i sent him to the office and straight away went back home.
On Monday, got to meet him and went to Times.We watched movie and bought my sandals.I love that movie "Marley & Me" nearly cried but manage to handle it.I can smell someone tears besides me.After i sent him home.My mind were floating thinking about a lot of things.I went to 7E thought of buying something for my breakfast next morning.I was a bit rushed and i parked my car nearby this longkang.Then suddenly i heard something fell off from my hand,it was dark and i found out it was my HANDPHONE !! OMG !! So this kind hearted girl checked on me and she's the one whom helping me out to get back my hp. Im so lucky to have her.Because of her my hp is still alive even its been drowning for nearly 10 minutes.huhu its a miracle because my hp still have the courage to be with me hahahahahah I bought for her brownies as for appreciation.Hope she likes it.
Skang da nk pukul 5.My dad is going to be admitted tomorrow at IJN to do small operation.I hope he'll be ok and i'll be staying at home alone tomorrow.Im getting sick of my current job but have no heart to find different job at the moment.sigh* cepat la pukul 5 nak balikkk.
*I have new tumbler now.Thanks to buga he needs to sell his bloods in order to get me a new tumbler. (really appreciates it but its still leaking la uhuk never mind.i can still survive)
On Saturday,went to my best friend's engagement NANA at seremban.she looks beautiful with the purple dress fits in nicely to her body.I arrived late and the ceremony was finished.They thought i were lost but im not and hell no.I was confused with the tents.The road was badly jammed and the weather was not that good.Raining all the way..Better late then never right! oh lupa lak nk mentioned mar called me.She met an accident while i was on the way to seremban that day.haiyaa bad luck laa! Luckily you and kak az were not injured. Thats all i cared that time.
On Sunday,that was last day i spend my time with my love.keje dia tido tido tido I was awake at noon.I kept thinking whether wanted to cook nasi goreng or not while all the guys were sleeping.What the heck because i couldnt go back to sleep so i cooked! I brought the meal into the bedroom and woke him up.hahahhahaha bole tak dia nampak pastu senyum kambing amik selimut selubungkan diri.hahahhahahahhahaha At night,i sent him to the office and straight away went back home.
On Monday, got to meet him and went to Times.We watched movie and bought my sandals.I love that movie "Marley & Me" nearly cried but manage to handle it.I can smell someone tears besides me.After i sent him home.My mind were floating thinking about a lot of things.I went to 7E thought of buying something for my breakfast next morning.I was a bit rushed and i parked my car nearby this longkang.Then suddenly i heard something fell off from my hand,it was dark and i found out it was my HANDPHONE !! OMG !! So this kind hearted girl checked on me and she's the one whom helping me out to get back my hp. Im so lucky to have her.Because of her my hp is still alive even its been drowning for nearly 10 minutes.huhu its a miracle because my hp still have the courage to be with me hahahahahah I bought for her brownies as for appreciation.Hope she likes it.
Skang da nk pukul 5.My dad is going to be admitted tomorrow at IJN to do small operation.I hope he'll be ok and i'll be staying at home alone tomorrow.Im getting sick of my current job but have no heart to find different job at the moment.sigh* cepat la pukul 5 nak balikkk.
*I have new tumbler now.Thanks to buga he needs to sell his bloods in order to get me a new tumbler. (really appreciates it but its still leaking la uhuk never mind.i can still survive)
hmm life is bored.working also bored.there's nuthing interesting for me to update.
Seven pounds : i always love MR Smith but in this movie a bit expecting more on this film.(ada 2 eko couple duduk sebelah aku ni siap bole layan nangis lak.aku ada rasa la tp tak samapai!! pastu bila nk tgk kena tendang la kena siku kena tarik la!! hahahahahahahahah)
Burn after reading : wei this movie sucks a lot!!! PLS DONT is really ridiculous and a piece of junk movie.why did george clooney and brad pitt willingly took places in this movie. heh. wasted.
nana is getting engaged this saturday.
hope to be there early~
i'm wearing baju kurung today.haha itu pn aku nk update gak ke?haha
Well,at least i could track back when is the last time i wear baju kurung !!
Seven pounds : i always love MR Smith but in this movie a bit expecting more on this film.(ada 2 eko couple duduk sebelah aku ni siap bole layan nangis lak.aku ada rasa la tp tak samapai!! pastu bila nk tgk kena tendang la kena siku kena tarik la!! hahahahahahahahah)
Burn after reading : wei this movie sucks a lot!!! PLS DONT is really ridiculous and a piece of junk movie.why did george clooney and brad pitt willingly took places in this movie. heh. wasted.
nana is getting engaged this saturday.
hope to be there early~
i'm wearing baju kurung today.haha itu pn aku nk update gak ke?haha
Well,at least i could track back when is the last time i wear baju kurung !!
Embarrassing night
This embarrassing moment happened yesterday.I was told by my bf that its his mother's birthday.I asked him a favour to wish it for me instead he asked me to wish it myself *sigh.So ok i did wished his mother and this is what i received from his mother "Kum salam.aliya make me older 1 month la syg.anty punya birthday next month.anyway tq 4 ur care" Suddenly,my face color changed from white to red.hahahaha Straight away,i replied back "hah? ye ke? ni ank anty bg wrong information.hehe sori." Just after i sent the sms.I called him up and asked him whether he is very2 sure of his mother's birthday.hahaha of course he said I am really sure! and immediately he wanted to ring up his mother.While me continuing messaging with his mother.Ended up, he called me back and put a correction to the date.hikhikhik.At first i thought i've been punk! Luckily,its not.haha
Well sayang a small reminder for you,in future i hope you dont confused yourself with any other date ya or else you're going to get it from me xoxo love you!
Well sayang a small reminder for you,in future i hope you dont confused yourself with any other date ya or else you're going to get it from me xoxo love you!
The play was a blast!
Yesterday was a payback,even though the 1st half was a bit slow,our view been blocked by a border and my seat is not that comfort but i can still discard all that.I'm just regretted since i don't bring my digicam!!! haish.Instead, i need to use my camera phone to take pictures.Hence all of that, i'm giving a big applause to the props. I am really amazed.They can even do fire tricks and fireworks plus some magic tricks as well.Loving it~
The main cast:
Stephen Rahman-Hughes as Hang Tuah
Hang tuah is still pelat haha that was what i read in the newspaper. True!
All the audience amazed when he is singing Titah Sultan (The Sultan's Command) and dancing.It was a chicky dance i can say.hahaha He is a natural joker.
Ac Mizal as Gusti Adipati Handaya Ningrat
Adipati is a very serious character.All i can say is he can dance the javanese style and the slang sometimes i hardly understand it.haha
She's not famous but i can see she dance very well and her voice is lovely but she killed herself after letting putri find her happiness.sad sob sob~
*Will update my photo's later
The main cast:
Gusti Putri Raden Ajeng Retno Dumilah as Tiara Jaquelina
Kudos to her! She is the legend.This is her last play as Gusti.You did bring a miracle injection into the play.Stephen Rahman-Hughes as Hang Tuah
Hang tuah is still pelat haha that was what i read in the newspaper. True!
All the audience amazed when he is singing Titah Sultan (The Sultan's Command) and dancing.It was a chicky dance i can say.hahaha He is a natural joker.
Ac Mizal as Gusti Adipati Handaya Ningrat
Adipati is a very serious character.All i can say is he can dance the javanese style and the slang sometimes i hardly understand it.haha
She's not famous but i can see she dance very well and her voice is lovely but she killed herself after letting putri find her happiness.sad sob sob~
I love this cute boy too~
*Will update my photo's later